Monday, June 6, 2011

E3 2011 predictions

With arguably the largest video game conference in the world at our doorstep, I thought I would list some predictions for the next week.

With the Project Cafe Nintendo hopes to appeal to its new found causal audience. The Cafe will utilize innovative new technology to introduce touch screen and application technology to allow a completely unseen angry birds experience. Launch titles include Angry Birds, Angry Birds 2, and Angry Birds Mario Galaxy.

With the kinect remaining one Microsoft's most popular products, plans for the coming year will include revoultionary software to play on the kinect. Unfortionatly none of it will be very fun or work well, and the only exception still being Child of Eden.

With Microsoft releasing Gears of War 3, Sony hopes to keep pace by releasing three new brown shooters with one being a brilliant new IP. Resistence 3: Dirt of the Chimera, Killzone 4: Desert Sun, and Blasted Earth: Mud Explosion. Sony also hopes sell more 3D tech with new improved glasses for the low price of 200$. After the disaster with the PS3 pricing Sony has a competitive price plan for the NGP starting at 400$.

Valve unleashes a surprise announcement, it has been producing Left 4 Dead 3 under the name "Dead Island". No future plans involving Half-Life are revealed.

The highly anticipated game Sonic Generations will introduce an exciting new character to the Sonic universe, Claws the rat. Claws will appeal to the teenage audience with the an edgy habit of consuming the intestines of his foes. No future plans for Jet Set Radio.

Capcom announces Resident Evil 6. The game will star an obscure character that no one cares about with exciting new plot developments involving the umbrella organization.

Mass Effect 3 will be kinect only. The world weeps.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aha, it is finally here! =D Having played Portal 2 right next to you during the entire time you wrote this, tis' a shame I just read this now! The fact that you managed to be this informative and still make something fun to read is in itself a feat. I need to look more into Child of Eden and Dead Island *cough*L4D3*cough*. As for Mass Effect 3 being only on kinect? Ehhh... Let's take a shooter that appealed to many a hardcore gamer shove it inside the ass of something made to appeal solely to families/causal gamers? I really haven't the foggiest on what they were thinking, for that one.
    But for the time being, I am impressed, Judgegrumble! =D Keep this up, and keep the world informed!

  3. Lastly, needs more angry birds.
