You heard it here first people, Anarchy Reigns has been delayed. You can cry now, I'll wait.
This news should come as a surprise to just about no one considering the only thing we've seen about the game are those little character introduction trailers Platinum scattered into the public earlier this year.
Despite almost no information about the game, the hype for this game has been disappointingly low. Why doesn't the internet care more about this game? This isn't one of those setup questions that I ask now to answer later, I really don't know.
Anarchy Reigns is being developed by Platinum, these guys have a pedigree for awesomeness for goodness sake! The only game they made that can even be considered mediocre is just guilty of being grimdark and disliked by Yahtzee (a little repetitive too, but nobody would know that since five people bought Madworld). A competitive 3D brawler? NOBODY HAS DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE! In addition, Anarchy Reigns is being made by a company that ONLY MAKES AWESOME 3D BRAWLERS!
Get excited people! This is big! Right now this delay is seen as barely a fart in the ocean of video game news. This is a tragedy. Anarchy Reigns looks awesome dammit. Yes I am mad, that is all, you may return to your Skyrims and your Minecrafts now.